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WHY A KETTLEBELL?But growing up and growing old is not for sissies and kettlebell training will give you another component that’s essential for life as well as fitness: toughness.”—Mark Reifkind for Strong First


HOW TO OVERCOME THE “i’LL DO IT TOMORROW” INSTINCTYet, damned if we don’t play that old, sabotaging card – putting off our goals for a mythical tomorrow. What is it with us humans? For some strange reason, we bring this magical thinking to time, imagining that tomorrow will somehow be fundamentally different than the same hour today. Yes, a different date will come up on your phone tomorrow morning, but that singular digit holds no particular capacity. Do we honestly think something will be changed tomorrow? We’ll win the lottery and not have to go to work? The kids will dress and feed themselves with no reminders or aid? Our brains will be more motivated and capable of accepting change? Our bodies will have gained strength and stamina overnight to crave a hard workout?”–Mark Sisson, Mark’s Daily Apple


Workout of the Day

8 minutes to work up to a 1 rep max of the following complex: deadlift hang power clean 2 front squats


10 minute AMRAP of:

200 meter run

5 strict pull-ups

15 wall ball 20/14#

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

6 Responses

  1. Kelly R

    Good morning George
    I want to sign up for Memorial Day ( 11-12 session ) is this my sign up or is there a sign up in the gym?
    See you later

  2. Bevin

    George, turns out we are going away Memorial Day weekend so I have to give up my 8:00 spot. Can I do it on Friday morning though?

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