Melissa D. back squatting 295lbs. at 118lbs. body weight!!
These are the 4 workouts Lisa must complete by Monday evening for the 2014 Masters Qualifier! Good luck Lisa!
“My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. And they bring to mind something else, too. They remind me that the damage life has inflicted on me has, in many places, left me stronger and more resilient. What hurt me in the past has actually made me better equipped to face the present.”
? Steve Goodier
“Strengthening the iliopsoas can improve speed, agility, and strength in Olympic lifting movements.“—Amber Larsen for Breaking Muscle
“Jacob Tsypkin is the head coach and owner of CrossFit Monterey. Has assisted in the development of numerous Regional level CrossFit Games athletes, including sending a team and three individuals to the very tough NorCal Regional Qualifier in 2013. Jacob has also coached multiple national level weightlifters and powerlifters. This year he hopes to have athletes claim spots at the CrossFit Games and on the podium at USAW National Championships.“—Juggernaut, Juggernaut Training System
Workout of the Day
Hang power clean
1X3 @ 70% 1 RM
1X3 @ 75% 1 RM
1X3 @ 80% 1RM
5 rounds for time of:
200 meter run
4 deadlifts 225/150#
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Yeah lisa!!!
Yay Melissa!!!
Lisa, you’ve got this!!!
George, really a dead lift WOD when I can’t be there? So not fair! I wonder if the hotel gym has real weights….
have a great weekend everyone!
thts awesome Melissa..Im very proud of all your achievements! XO
Hey George, Did i leave my black camelback water bottle there Wednesday night? 🙂
Really Jon?
This is what you use the comments section for?
You didn’t have anything important, creative or entertaining to say?
Well, alright.
Yes. Your bottle is here. We have it completely safeguarded. Not to worry!
Holy {insert your favorite expleteive here}Batman!
I’m going with –
Holy Shoulders Batman!
{Well that really isn’t it but I was trying to be the lady my parents taught me to be. Real one rhymes with Holy PUCK HALLS Batman!}
That goes for Melissa doing a 295# Bk Squat and the Master’s WODs.
Good luck Lisa. Be strong and breathe.
I laughed out loud at Janie’s comment! But I had just about the same reaction to Melissa’s accomplishments and Lisa’s upcoming weekend!!! Both of these women are so amazing and so inspirational!! George you are but a lowly male in a sea of estrogen awesomeness.. Hahahaha! Way to go ladies!! You are totes-magoats AMAZE-BALLZ!!
But I’m a great swimmer!
Melissa: That squat is ridiculous!! Sure changes the meaning of telling someone they lift like a girl.
Lisa: Good luck!! Im sure you will kick ass Event 4 is equally as ridiculous. What kind of sadistic person would expect anyone to do 100 pull ups and 100 wall balls? Jon H is right. I’d like to see the Tnation boys try that one without kipping and use perfect form the entire time. Oh and they should look at that pic of Melissa her form looks pretty perfect to me and she is strong as hell!!
Great Job Melissa and good luck Lisa! You two are inspiring! Continue to be elite athletes!
Thank you to all the ladies at 5pm class for running one extra lap to support me!
You did great Rosette!!