That’s Ruth landing her first 20″ box jump!
Now if you look closely you can see she’s astonished that not only is she still alive, but she actually executed the box jump perfectly! We were not astonished…Ruth is awesome!
The 2014 CrossFit Games Open is behind us now. We’d like to thank the athletes from our gym who participated: John H., Jon B., Matt M., Brad, Al, Jason, Katy, Denise, Marc and Lisa! It was fun and a learning experience to be a part of a competition that is Worldwide, growing every year and becoming more and more competitive. It was great coaching you, training with you and cheering you on! We’re proud of you all. Some didn’t fully grasp what you were getting involved in and you performed valiantly anyway. The others had some experience with the Games and you met every challenge head-on.
Most of all I’m proud of wife, Lisa , for making the Top 200 in her age group (Masters 45-49) which means she now has to compete in four more workouts during Easter Weekend. Lisa placed 189th worldwide out of 2100 women in her age group. For just our region, the Northeast, Lisa came in 30th out of 262. With the list of injuries and conditions Lisa suffers from we are still amazed she can compete at all, never mind doing so at a consistently high level. It was only 6 months ago that Lisa had shoulder surgery. During the last workout she had bronchitis to go along with her already reduced lung capacity. Not once did Lisa consider not doing the Games or any of these workouts. Not once did she entertain the idea that having any condition would stop her in any way. Lisa stepped up and got it done.
Outstanding job Lisa! Congratulations on advancing to the next level! It was, and always is, inspiring to watch you train and compete. Good luck at the next stage!
WE NEED YOUR INPUT****Jon B. will be doing a seminar on MUSCLE-UP PROGRESSIONS. If you cannot perform a muscle-up this seminar will provide you with the drills to get you there.
We’re thinking of doing this on a Saturday at the end of the month. We’d like feedback as to what time you’d like to see it and which Saturday. We’re considering 9:30am-11:00 then having regular sessions, on that day, at 11 and 12. Or we can do it at 1pm like previous seminars.
Leave a comment. If you’re comment doesn’t appear right away don’t despair. It’s pending approval from yours truly. I will get to it. Let us know if it’s something you’re interested in, which Saturday works best and which time spot works better. Do it now!
Feel free to make suggestions regarding other topics you’d like to see addressed or ways to improve our gym. Please make your suggestions reasonable. Yes, I’d like to have an indoor track of Division I quality and an Olympic-sized swimming pool, but we don’t have the room…..yet.–George
BUILDING A SUPERHUMAN CORE “Far too many people try to make training more complicated than it has to be, especially when it comes to core training. While lifting heavy requires a tremendous amount of core strength, that’s only half the battle. It’s still important to include dedicated core exercises that help to not only address weaknesses and imbalances, but also force us outside our comfort zones.“—Tony Gentilcore for
“Because wisdom I contend is much more about putting knowledge into action, than simply knowing answers.”—Ian Fagala for Tony
Workout of the Day
Find your 1 Rep Max:
Back Squat
Warm-up well. Perform 2-3 lighter sets then find your 1 rep max on 3 attempts at each of the three lifts. Rest, sitting down, 2 minutes between attempts.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Congratulations Lisa! You are amazing and an inspiration! We are so lucky to have you as a Coach. Good luck!!
Lisa You are always a positive force in the box, YEAH LISA YEAH.!!
as for Doctor B’s next seminar I like the AM session on April 26, for a few reasons, I was told I don’t have a choice and its the day after my birthday(45) and there’s going to be cake!!
Congrats Ruth! You look great!
Lisa you inspire all of us women! I love what George wrote but the best part is you walk in this gym with a smile on your face and with all that’s going on in your own life you are ALWAYS looking out for all of us! We have such love for you and ultimately we have a great deal of respect.
Love the seminar seeing I can’t even do a pull up yet but I am away for most of April and April 26th is my friends fundraiser at 631.
Congrats Ruth, great job!!
Lisa, you are an inspiration to us all. You are amazing!
I would like to attend this muscle up progression, I can do any time on Saturdays The only Saturday I can’t do it is April 26th, my half marathon.
May 10th is my vote if late April also means May. I like the idea of early morning, but would attend anytime.
D0n’t forget to chime in about the time-spot, not just the day, for the seminar! Thanks.
I am open to any time on any Saturday for the muscle up, as long as it’s not May 3.
On the make other comments, suggestions spot, is there any chance as spring and summer are here we can have earlier classes on the weekends?
For those that cannot attend the seminar: I literally go over muscle ups (both bar and rings) and a few of the progressions everyday for anyone that asks….. for free- but if you’d like to throw some money my way, I’d gladly accept (:
What about Sundays? Since it seems there is a lot going on on Saturdays (like competions/marathons/fundraisers)? It goes for both April and May. I would like to see 10am ANY Sunday.
Way to go Ruth on your box jump!! George what you said about Lisa is consistent with the sentiment and appreciation I (and everyone else) have for her, you just have a way of putting it so elequently. Lisa is always an inspiration but more so I find myself in awe of her power, strength and attitude. She is the “full package” as they say, plus some.
As far as the muscle up seminar I am def in! I’m pretty much off any Sat in April, I prefer the 1pm seminar but can really work w whatever time you guys decide. Tell Jon that we expect handouts this time! 🙂
I would love to attend a muscle up seminar. April 26th is burpees for bully’s and May 3rd is the Harrison competition. I can try to make any other day or time work. Hopefully it won’t interfere with soccer. Although Sundays would always work in my case.
Cannot promise I will be in attendance for the seminar, but that being said, the earlier the better for me. And congratulations to all of the games competitors!
Thank you all for your responses. Please keep them coming. Obviously, for the scheduling of the seminar someone or a whole group of people will be disappointed. You people need a more boring life with plenty of expendable time so that my scheduling duties can be easier.
Katy, thanks for the kind words!
Re: Earlier weekend classes. Earlier Saturday sessions are a possibility. Let’s see what the masses think of it. As for Sunday…I’ll run it by Lauren. Personally, I don’t believe in Sunday sessions, especially in Spring and Summer.
Ruth: great job!!!
Lisa: If someone asked me to describe you I would only need two words ” BAD ASS”
George: whatever Saturday and time you decide ill do my best to make it. If I got a muscle up I’d make the same face Ruth did.
Lisa thats great! I’m really excited for you and I’m sure you will kick ass at the level too!
I think Saturday is the better of the days and if we have alot of people we should do it after the regular classes as not to run short on time.
Awesome job Ruth!! And Lisa you continue to amaze. You are so driven ..pure example of dedication. I echo bevins request of earlier Saturday sessions for sure. But I do like to keep my Sundays open for day drinking.
Muscle up seminar sounds daunting but cool. My April weekends are booked..but may seems open (Sundays are better for me too )
Great job everyone. It was amazing to watch everyone perform. I tried to do every one of the games wods in some scaled fashion and they all kicked my ass so congrats for doing them all and finishing.
189th in the world and 30th in the region is absolutely amazing. And even more amazing is I get to call you my friend.
Thank you everyone for your encouragement!! I am blessed to be surrounded by such supportive and understanding friends!!! Stay strong… God bless! 🙂
Congratulations Ruth = it’s so exciting to finally do something you have been trying to do or afraid to do – Great Job!!
Lisa – is anyone really surprised you did so well? I certainly am not – You have to be a reason so many of us won’t quit or let a wod beat us down. All the injuries you have gone through and you still keep can we give up?
George 8:30 classes on Saturdays would be awesome…honestly I would take Sunday too. I would rather get up early do the WOD then have the rest of my day free. Also, how about a bench we can sit on when we are changing shoes, instead of awkwardly sitting on the floor? Just a bench, not an olympic field or pool, just a bench..oh yeah and coat hooks a little lower, not all of us are tall.
9am sessions on Saturday is a possibility. This will cancel the 12pm-1pm session if it happens.
Earlier Sunday sessions is NOT, I repeat, Not going to happen in the near future. Of course that could change if a coach expresses interest in coaching an early morning Sunday session. Thus far it’s a no go.
Lower hooks is a great suggestion and one Lisa has made on several occasions. We’ll do that. A bench to change shoes?? Have you noticed the super-sturdy, hand crafted benches that adorn both change rooms? Surely these benches will meet even your high standards. And who sits awkwardly on a floor in a gym? Sitting on a gym floor is pretty standard stuff. Let’s assume you don’t want to walk all the way to the far corners of the change rooms, a resourceful person might use one of the benches in the gym or one of the two dozen plyo boxes just to change their shoes. Maybe we can have someone carry you in from your car when you want to train!?!?
About the bench i had a specific spot in mind and remember u asked for suggestions… a bench in the gym where u had the cooler and i think a box is there now…remember just a suggestion…however if it were hot shirtless guys who would be carrying me back and forth to my car…now your talking!!!
I did ask for suggestions and I thank you. You didn’t think I was going to pass up the opportunity to be sarcastic, did you?
Shame on you.
Actually a bench in that spot is a good idea!
Sorry, all the hot, shirtless guys train at night.
So the next time I workout at night I should call ahead to get my bevy of hot shirtless guys to carry me? Woo hoo get ready boys