The above quote is by Steven Pressfield from his book, The War of Art.
We have mentioned the book previously and I promised to blog about it. The subtitle of The War of Art is, Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles. It was my interest in writing that made me purchase the book, but I realized after 2 short pages that writing had little to do with the “big picture” of the book. And this is what leads me to talk about it on a blog dedicated to human performance.
Pressfield has put a name to that unseen force that stops many of us from doing the creative things we’d like to do. The things that require, not only a creative process, but some measure of heart, passion and dedication. Pressfield has labeled the force, Resistance. Pressfield so accurately describes Resistance that two ideas will immediately come to mind: 1. Mr. Pressfield has definitely dealt with his share of Resistance and 2. You’ll believe that he is speaking to you and about you.
In Pressfield’s list of “activities most commonly to elicit Resistance” one of the activities is “any diet or health regimen“. We see this all too often. Pressfield explains:
“Any act that rejects immediate gratification in favor of long-term growth, health, or integrity. Or, expressed another way, any act that derives from our higher nature instead of our lower. Any of these will elicit Resistance.
Pressfield goes on to describe the characteristics of Resistance so well that we are tempted to list them all, but that would mean reprinting the entire book as one long quote in this blog. Basically Resistance is the force that does or attempts to prevent you from taking action from your higher self. The Resistance comes from within you. Ever notice how some people seem to self-sabotage when they are about to do something worthwhile? Ever notice how life seems to get in the way of your plans just when you’re about to take on a challenge? Ever think about doing something good and meaningful, but come up with more reasons why it would fail?
Resistance has two functions: To get you to not take action or to get you to create your own undoing.
This new-found awareness of Resistance is allows you to see it coming from a long way off. It will give you new perspective on life and getting things done. After you’re educated in the various forms of Resistance Pressfield explains how to overcome the Resistance.
We keep a list of books that we feel humans should be issued when they are born. A collection to have as a User’s Guide to The Mind and Body. The War of Art is at the top of the list. There are plenty of books on how the body functions or dysfunctions. There is no other book that addresses Resistance and how to defeat it.
War of Art is 165 pages of easy reading. If you enjoy reading you’ll finish the book in a day or less. If you don’t like reading it will take you 2 days or less. I’m waiting for family members to finish the book then I’ll be looking to pass it on. It’s that good and that important. Definitely recommended!–George
SPRING THROWDOWN 5/3/14 (Harrison, NY)
MASTERS THROWDOWN 6/14/14 (Cranston, RI)
On Saturday, June 28th 2014, some of us will be running around Lake Ronkonkoma for the annual Run Around The Lake. The run is hosted by the Ronkonkoma Rotary Club and proceeds benefit the Lt. Michael Murphy Foundation, The Lone Survivor Foundation and the Ronkonkoma Rotary Foundation and Charities. It’s a 4 mile run for a good cause! For further info click HERE and HERE. We’ve done the last two and look forward to this one!
Workout of the Day
Hang Snatch
Find your 1 rep max.
7 rounds for time of:
10 wall ball 20/14#
20 double unders
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Ah, the formatting unfortunately didn’t make it through here George. Nonetheless, this book sounds great and I definitely plan on checking it out! Thanks for the share!
Nevermind, I can see it fine now… : /
Sure thing Jade!
You will not be disappointed.