

PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY… a matter of fact, go get a cup of coffee, mushroom tea or whatever supplement you use to jolt your awareness and focus up a notch or two.

Go ahead….I’ll wait……

Good! You’re back…okay Sparky….oh, put your glasses on too…I’ll wait again…..

Good! Now we’re ready……GET YOUR T-SHIRT/SWEATSHIRT/TANK TOP ORDER TO ME FORTHWITH. The order is being placed this week. There will not be much extra. You need to place your specific, individual order with me. We have a brand new vendor that we are excited about so we are ready to proceed.

Don’t forget, this apparel is guaranteed to make you 27% stronger and 33% better looking. Order today….being weak and ugly is not your destiny.

We have one favor to ask. Please tell your fellow athletes who are unwilling or unable to read the website, read messages in the gym or who are unable to comprehend my particular version of the English language. Tell them what you read here today and direct them to me with a shirt order or a question. Friends don’t let friends go through life unaware, not living up to their strength potential and not living up to their good-looks potential!

Thank you!——–George

The gray-looking sweatshirts are black and will look darker in real life.


For time:

50 Row Calories

40 Dumbbell Snatches

30 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

20 Devil Press

100 Double Unders

THE AFTER-THE-HOLIDAYS-HOLIDAY PARTY IS 6 DAYS AWAY! We are so excited we can hardly contain our self! Food, drink, song…what else is there?

If you are not on the guest list please let me know. We need a final count so we are properly prepared.

Where: The gym

When: This Saturday, January 25th at 8 PM.

Why: Why not?

Who: Members in good standing, members in poor standing (who have not been ex-communicated) and your significant other or special someone or a friend with nothing better to do on a Saturday night.

What: Seriously? It’s a party.

Dress code: Clothing is preferred but is just an option for Norris. Everyone else needs approval. Don’t wear gym clothes. There will be no working out unless you consider Giant Jenga and Cornhole a workout. Casual but neat attire should do. Women wearing their hair down and make-up should have a name-tag so we know who you are.

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