



Mike K.



THE MOTHER OF ALL LIFESTYLE DISEASES         “As we all know, humanity is experiencing a planet-wide wave of lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and neurological disorders. There’s a lot of hand-wringing going on, but the epidemics only seem to be getting worse. We’re quick to pin the blame on the usual culprits of sedentary living, sugar, fat and stress, but as we go deeper, we begin to see that our problem is actually one of orientation, attitude and responsibility. That is, far too many of us hold a passive, victimized stance in relationship to our bodies and our lives. By giving away our power to perceived perpetrators and rescuers, we give up our vitality and our ability to control our health destiny. This is the root of today’s public health nightmare.“—Frank Forencich, Exuberant Animal



We’re getting numerous questions lately about this topic from women.  The above article by Nick Tumminello was re-posted because he offers the best explanation of why you may need to include muscle isolation work in conjunction with compound exercises like squats and deadlifts and he has included videos to demonstrate the exercises selected.—George


Strong glutes are essential in almost every sport. They are responsible for accelerating, decelerating, changing directions and creating explosive power in jumps.”

Developing strong glutes is not only essential for optimal performance, but also can decrease your risk for injury in the knees, lower back, hamstrings and groin. Weak glutes can cause an imbalance in the hip, which may lead to excessive medial rotation of the femur and lateral tracking of the patella, thus potentially causing knee pain, notes Mark Young, exercise and nutrition consultant. Strengthening your glutes decreases your risk for back injuries in exercises such as the deadlift and squat by taking some of the pressure off your lower back. Furthermore, weak glutes may also contribute to pulled muscles in your hamstring or groin.“—Heather Hitchcock, The Advantages of Strong Glutes,



We chose to re-post this article, courtesy of Medicine, because of the description of what the core actually is.  As is stated in this article by Elizabeth Quinn,Most people think of the core as a nice six-pack, or strong, toned abs, but the truth is that the abdominal muscles are a very small part of the core.”

The core is much more than the abs!  The women attending this Saturday’s Fit Chicks seminar presented by Jon Belmonte will be learning this point in great detail!  There is still time to get in on the seminar.  Contact us.–George



Workout of the Day
Power Snatch
Find your 1 rep max.

[Note:  Power=NO SQUAT]

Open Workout 13.5

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:

15 Thrusters 100/65#
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

5 Responses

  1. patrick

    I don’t know about that first article depression and neurological disorders really don’t have anything to do fitness or your eating habits they know so little about these disorders they know very little about how the human brain functions I definently don’t agree it has to do with fitness or diet I may have got the wrong message from reading that but that’s what I took from it

  2. Ryan Audley

    Id say there is at the very least some correlation between both depression and neuro disorders. Maybe not in all cases but your average depression is linked to chronic inflammation and the brains inability to properly manage endorphins. Fitness and diet can help bring someone back to baseline. I dont think it would work for all cases but just think of how you feel when youre killing it in the gym…like youre on top of the world, right? Its bro science but getting off my ass and moving always makes me feel good.

  3. George

    Patrick–I believe the author, Frank Forencich, is making the point that the “big picture” problem is the overwhelming amount of people living life as victims. “Victims” blame all the “bad” in their lives on something or someone else. By leading a victim lifestyle you constantly give your power away, fail to take responsibility and life becomes a series of things that just happen to you.

    “Victim” thinking can also take place when you attribute everything good in your life to someone else or something else. Once again, your power is being given away.

    Nearly every single person I’ve ever arrested blamed society, their parents, the government, another group of people or something else for why they committed their crime. Jails, hospitals, and rehab institutions are filled with people who have a victim mindset. On the other hand most truly successful people don’t engage in victim thinking and are not prone to giving away their personal power. They do everything to influence their own destiny and when things go wrong they focus on solutions, not on the problem.

    When you really look at it you’ll realize that in life there is so much that we have no control over. We ALWAYS have control over how we’re going to feel about what happens. We have control over our beliefs. We have control over our attitude. We have control over whether or not we will assume responsibility or whether we will try to blame someone else. We have control over whether we will focus on the problem or focus on the solution.

    Now imagine a constant, steady-state of victim thinking. Imagine a poor attitude and belief system that is at the very core of your being. imagine going through life blaming everything that happens to you on someone or something else. imagine never having any power over yourself or your decisions. I believe that victim-thinking leads to bigger problems including health problems. I believe this is what the article was about, partially at least.

  4. patrick

    Depression cannot be cured bye fitness if anyone has ever been severely depressed you will know what I’m talking about n Ryan chronic inflammation of what and the brains inability to manage endorphins again I’m goin to disagree you know how much they know about the brain 3percent and its not that the brain can’t manage endorphins correctly you have electrical signals in your brain n there supposed to connect when they misfire and don’t connect that’s when you get bipolar anxiety depression and all those wonderful things if you’ve never been depressed you won’t understand

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