4 Responses

  1. John H

    George, not enough can be said about yesterday’s scaling article, we should have a big poster stating ” Rx’d = 50% of 1 RM” I’m so guilty of just trying to do every WOD as prescribed, time to check my ego at the door and use the formula

  2. beth

    The thruster article is so good – and it states the obvious that so many of us dont pay attention to – do it right first with whatever weight works to achieve that…then add weight – hey is there any way to video ourselves to help with our form?? Sounds like s good clinic to me

  3. George

    Kelly–You’re welcome!

    John—Agreed. One of the most important articles we’ve had the pleasure of reading. The author, Jon Gilson, is one of my favorite coaches. He gave me lots of good advice when I was starting out and his “the mic’d instructor” videos are some of the best instructional videos in existence.

    Beth–great suggestion. We video athletes now, but not on a wide scale. Perhaps we can expand that aspect of coaching.

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