CROSSFIT SUFFOLK: Powered By Spartan Performance


CROSSFIT SUFFOLK: Powered By Spartan Performance

Getting through the Workout of The Day…….hey where’s the Workout Of the Day?


Hmmm……not here either!


A Users Guide To This Website   by George Demetriou

It has occurred to me that while most of our athletes/warriors/members “read” this blog not everyone really reads it.   Some people don’t have the time because they’re at work….on Facebook or some such other website learning about what their friends had for lunch or what club they were at the night before.  They just don’t have the time.  I get it.

Others don’t have the time because they’re catching up on things they DVR’d like Mob Wives and Rodeo Girls.  I understand.  You have your priorities.  I don’t want to be the one who is responsible for taking away 5 minutes of your life per day just to learn something useful.  As a wise person once said, “Ain’t no one got time for that.”

For the folks who somehow find the time or feel reading this blog is important enough to invest a few minutes allow me to shed some light.

The reason for the blog is two-fold: (1) It is the “store-front window” to our gym when folks are looking for a great place to improve their strength and conditioning, and (2) it let’s our members know what is going on from day to day as well as keeping folks informed on matters of human performance, strength & conditioning, mental strength, nutrition and survival.

The workout of the day can be found here.  From now on the WOD will be placed at random places on the page instead of just at the top.  We have members that read the WOD then move on.  This leads to disaster.  Disaster that can easily be avoided.  Imagine just reading the WOD and not the other 30 seconds worth of reading, not realizing that the schedule has changed for the holidays then showing up to the gym when it’s closed.  Yup, that happened.

Imagine missing a key piece of information that may help you with a workout, with your diet or with your life in general because you didn’t want to peruse the rest of the page.

From now on the WOD will be placed somewhere other than the top.  We did this once before and actually received phone calls stating there was content on the blog, but no WOD.  “Did you scroll all the way down?”  Awkward silence to follow.

Yes. Yes.  I know.  You still don’t have to read everything to scroll down to the WOD, but I will get great satisfaction knowing you had to at least scroll down to the end.  Who knows?  I may divide the WOD instruction up placing sections in between other photos and information on the page.  You’ll be forced to piece the WOD together like a puzzle.  Wouldn’t that be fun?

Photos:  Photos are used to showcase our tribe.  You are not required to have a specific body-type or a specific look.  We look for a cross-sectional representation of folks getting stronger.  Period.  About 75% of the photos we take get deleted immediately because of poor photography skill.

Articles:  When you see a highlighted group of words near the bottom of the page it is usually an article re-posted from another source.  Sometimes I will post a quote from the article so you understand what the article is about or in hopes that it will entice you to read it.  Seems straightforward, but I recently discovered there were some who thought I was just highlighting my own random thoughts.  NO.  I search high and low for quality informative, or at least thought-provoking, articles written by people with something helpful to offer.

Comments:  There is a comment section anyone can use.  You may offer a comment, ask a question, post a link to an article or a video you believe others will find helpful or entertaining, post an awesome recipe or whatever you’d like to say within the boundaries of good taste.  Currently about 8 people use the comment section, 4 on a regular basis.  We have so many interesting people in the gym from all walks of life.  What a waste it is not to hear from you!  You are encouraged to share a comment.  Add to the discussion.  Post something from another source. 

CF Whiteboard  You can click on CF Whiteboard enter your information then enter your WOD results.  You will have your 1-rep max for all lifts you enter as well as your various WOD times right at your finger tips.  It’s incredibly easy to use and incredibly convenient to have at your disposal.  You can see how you stacked up against the other participants.  If you’re thinking, “I really don’t care about tracking my WODs on the website” you are denying the others a chance to compare.  If you don’t want to do it for yourself please be considerate and do it for the team.

Excuses“I don’t have a computer.”

                      Go to the library.  Borrow your kids IPAD.  Get a smart phone.  Ask your neighbor to read the website to you.

                      “I don’t have time before the 6:30am session.”

                       Make the time.   Surely at some point in the day you can visit the website.

“I don’t ever have the time.”

                       In the very least be honest.  Not having the time means you don’t want to.  I am troubled by people who are concerned with hurting others feelings.  We live in an overly sensitive world.  Please don’t add to it.  If you are not going to visit the website please let me know, I promise not to be upset.  Also I need to know so that I can talk about you on the website without having to worry about hurting your feelings.  Kidding.

“My super-smart phone only gets the schedule up to Wednesday.”

                        Improvise. Overcome. Adapt.

                         “There’s a website?”

                          Asked by 2 different people about 2 months after they were advised of the website’s existence and it’s web address.

What questions do you have?  (Other than, “Where is today’s WOD?”)



Merry Christmas, Bob                      “Brace yourself, Bob, but we do it in part because of people like you. We look at you sitting there with your gut hanging over your belt and we watch you struggle just getting out of a chair. Guys like you are our inspiration. We love it when you talk about not having time to exercise. Every time we see you munching on a bag of Oreos, you inspire us. You’re our shot in the arm, our wake-up call.

“You want to know what it is we do? We overcome. We’re too busy to train, too, but we overcome. We’re too busy to prepare healthy meals and eat them several times a day, but we overcome. Our genetics aren’t perfect and we don’t always feel like going to the gym. Some of us used to be just like you, Bob, but guess what? We’ve overcome.”—Chris Shugart,


Workout of the Day
15 min. to establish a max 2-Pos Snatch (hi-hang, low-hang 2? from floor).

4 rounds for total time of:
15 Burpees (absolutely as fast as possible)
20 Wall Balls 20/14

Rest 1:00 after each round.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

25 Responses

  1. Nick K

    Great Article. I think “Bob” just got a free lesson in life! Get off your butt and do something…so many people find excuses to not exercise but they complain about being overweight or tired all the time…

    I’m not boasting or anything but ever since Greg got me into crossfit Suffolk…I feel good…my day starts at the usual 530 am and ends at 10pm. I hardly drink anymore… Watch what I eat “most of the time” and I owe thanks to George, Lisa, and Greg for helping me in my travels of becoming a better person. For me it’s not just about health and’s about having a family and friends to share success with and making something yours to be proud of.

  2. Barbara

    First off I think I should print that article and read it directly to my relatives on holiday get togethers. I would say hand it out but they are also to lazy to read.

    Second..,.punished? Who feels punished? We are actually give articles that we should read without having to find it ourselves. They give us the best and most up to date information around. Many many times I have had conversations with George or Lisa quickly or just in passing and within a week there is an article posted about it on this very site. Am I being punished? Or do I have the most thoughtful people training me who look out for me in every aspect in my life.

    I was 100% entertained at 7am this morning when reading that someone wasted their time showing up at the gym when it was closed. I laugh out loud when the glossary for the WOD that day is posted and then I hear people come in and ask what certain things mean. Why is everyone coming to CrossFit then? You will never be the best that you can be without having the knowledge that is put out there for us. We are lucky to have this information at our fingertips each morning. I don’t feel punished at all. I am appreciative and feel very lucky!

  3. George

    Nick– Thank you for the kind words!

    Beth–We win as a team and we will suffer as a team! 🙂 As the Drill Instructor in Full Metal Jacket stated, “You have failed to help me motivate Private Pyle.”

  4. Steve L

    What George is trying to say,

    “Oh come, on. Stop whining. You kids are soft. You lack discipline. Well, I’ve got news for you, you are mine now! You belong to me! You’re not going to have your mommy’s run behind you anymore and wipe your tushies! Oh no! It’s time now to turn this mush into muscles. No more complaining. No more, ‘Mr. Kimble I have to go to the bathroom’… nothing. There is no bathroom!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  5. Kristen

    I read a good amount of the articles anyway, thanks for making it easier hahaha. The people that don’t read them are definitely missing out! Some good stuff you guys put on here George! Thanks, keep it comin’ 🙂

  6. Amie aka Mrs. Bronco

    To all the Bobs,we are all busy people. I hold down a full time job in Queens have a husband and a toddler ,cook,clean,play. My day starts 5:30a and ends??? I like others still find time to get to crossfit because I want to improve myself mentally and physically. Why don’t you start by taking the 15mins it takes to eat a bag of Oreos and get of your arse and take a walk.
    George I enjoy your blogs and find time to read them everyday!

  7. Mark Vazzana

    I read your page first thing every morning( after my own box of course) for 5 years and enjoy and appreciate your info and advice. Thanks for finding the time.

  8. lil

    As soon as I open my eyeballs in the morning the first thing I must do is read George’s Blog. My day does not go well without all this new & informative info in my little brain. I used to be a “BOB” & for the last 7 months am learning & improving to become a Camille, lindsay, samantha, Talayna or even one day a Lisa D 😉 Thank you George for all the great articles & of course the great coaching!!!!

  9. Meag

    Haha gotta love your sense of humor, George! I may not always read the articles but the majority of time I do. You always have great stuff on the site and I appreciate you taking the time to fill us in on all the valuable information. You are always keeping us on our toes! I hope you enjoyed the holiday!

  10. George

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate your comments and support.

    Unfortunately the people I’m speaking to have not gone to the website today, seldom do, or saw that what was written was beyond the 140-character-Twitter-type message and felt it was “too long” so they just moved on without reading.

  11. Dani Burns

    As a “new kid” to this whole crossfit thing I try my best to read the WOD before I get to the gym so I don’t look totally clueless. While reading the WODs I was pleasantly surprised to read the articles and watch inspirational videos that are included in the blog. I dig the wholistic approach that you guys encourage and can definitely use the extra motivation when I’m feeling lazy. I’ll make sure to give more feedback in the future. Thanks!

  12. George Demetriou

    Thanks Dani!

    Holy Mackeral!!!!! This is a CrossFit Suffolk world record–18 comments and the day isn’t over.

    A tear is rolling down my cheek as I type this!

  13. beth

    Oh stop your crying – there’s no crying at crossfit – maybe slamming things around and a whole lot of cursing but no crying. I say let all the Bob’s eat their friggin oreos and we will all outlive the dumbasses.

  14. Ashley R

    I always find the blog very useful with inspiring info! Thanks for always taking the time to post every day. Will be making a conscious effort to comment more 🙂

  15. John H

    So I guess no one else can figure out how to put a picture in that thing to the left of everyone’s post, I bet bob know’s ?..especially if it’s that bob from account temps.

  16. Bevin

    I think the easiest way to solve the problem is that those who don’t read the articles and blogs you have written must do 100 burpees as their punishment, after the wod lol. I can’t wait to get back! Miss you all!! Happy New Year!!!

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