CROSSFIT SUFFOLK: Matt M. Takes First Place, Men’s Scaled Division at The Epic Showdown!
Congratulations to all the CrossFit Suffolk/Spartan Performance competitors for their commitment, preparation and effort at the Epic Showdown on Saturday! Matt M., who was doing extremely well and probably would have won last year’s ill-fated Garage Games competition (shut down by Fire Marshals before it was completed) came out at the Epic Showdown with a vengeance! Matt took first place purely by outworking everyone he was up against. Matt had his “game face” on the whole day…he didn’t smile when he was on the podium accepting his trophy!
Men’s Scaled: (Out of 43 total competitors)
Matt M. 1st
Angelo 6th
Paul 14th
Andy 30th
Women’s Scaled: (Out of 34 competitors)
Kerri 27th
Men’s RX (Out of 44 competitors)
John M. 17th
Jon B. 29th
We’re proud of how all of our team performed and we had a great time as well!
Jon and John competed in the RX Division and went up against fierce competition!
Andy has only been training with us for a few months!
Thanks to all those who came out to support the competitors…there were many more not shown here!
Workout of the Day
2X3 @50% 1RM
1X3 @60% 1RM
1X3 @70% 1RM
For time:
10 burpees
10 thrusters 95/65#
10 toes to bar
10 push press 95/65#
10 V-ups
10 push jerks 95/65#
10 ring dips
10 overhead squats
10 box jumps
10 pull-ups
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
To all our athletes YOU ALL did amazing! Such a fun day hanging w the Crossfit family.
All those men and Kerri! So proud of you Kerri! Next time us Spartan women won’t leave you solo- you did awesome xxoo !
Congrats Matt- watching you clean was the best part!
Thanks everyone for the support. I might not have smiled on the podium but I had a great time competing with everyone.
Matt was smiling on the inside!
Great job to all competitors!! Sorry I couldn’t be there, looks like you guys had a great time kicking butt!
Great job and congrats to all that competed!!! Spartan up!