
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK  **  Forging Elite Fitness

Front Squat 10-10-10-10-10 reps

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Chris and Jenn after their first CrossFit workout


We want to be awesome!

Who doesn't?

CrossFit workouts yield fast improvements and adaptations.  It's inevitable for most of us that we'll, at times, feel as if we aren't making improvements or we'll be set back.  That's life whether you're CrossFitting or not.

It's part of the process.

We should always seek improvements in performance.  We should also not allow days when there is, seemingly,  no improvement to take us off track.  Not every performance will be stellar with a new PR.

Understanding that "the process" is recognizing that workouts have to be done on a consistent basis and recognizing that there will be disappointing or bad days, but you have to "stay on the path" anyway.  The Process also involves working around or with injuries, experimenting with tweaking techniques or workouts and tweaking your diet.  Some things work better than others, but finding what works for you is part of the process.

We know of athletes who get discouraged and stop training or lose focus.  We know of potential athletes who insist on losing weight before getting on a workout routine??????  (Ok, what's your plan?)  We speak to people who tell us they'd like to train, but they have bad knees or a bad back.  (Oh, so not doing anything makes your knees and back stronger, right?????)

One must understand The Process.

The Process is about doing.  It's about striving, easing up, working harder, working smarter, not being overly happy about great performances and not being discouraged by not so great performances or set backs.  It's about accepting coaching and it's about finding your own way.  Ultimately The Process is about discovery.  It's about the journey, not the destination.

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