
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK  **  Forging Elite Fitness


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

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Jane after her first CrossFit workout…..another athlete added to the CrossFit nation!


We just read the below awesome article by one of our favorite non-fiction writers, Victor Davis Hansen.  Hansen has written numerous articles and has four books published: Carnage & Culture, War of the Ancient Greeks, The Western Way of War and A War Like No Other.  Hansen is the authority on why Western culture has been and is so dominant especially during war.

While we cannot say how we know we can say that there were some very bad people looking to come to our great nation in order to do us harm, post-9/11, but the jihadist "recruiters" told them they were needed more in Iraq to fight the Americans there.  The point is one often neglected; while some complain about the war in Iraq they fail to realize that there are those who had every intention of wreaking havoc in the United States, but didn't because our military is in Iraq.

The Other 9/11 Story

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