
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


As Many Rounds As Possible In 12 Minutes Of:

8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

4 Burpees

2 Knees To Elbows


Nick "locks on" to his target!



Why You Should Step Up Your Workout  Dr. Paul Williams has a message: You need to do more exercising.  His research narrowly focuses on running.  While we agree with the message of doing more than what is recommended by the American Heart Association and the "federal government" we don't necessarily agree with more running.  Dr. Williams is at odd with his peers from the medical community which we take as a good thing, but "stepping up your workout" should be about increasing INTENSITY and not doing more of what you're already doing, especially at the same pace.  The last paragraph of the article says it all to make our point:

"At 58 and 30 pounds overweight, Dr. Williams is certainly no elite athlete. But he manages to get out and run between 30 and 35 miles a week, far surpassing the federal recommendations of at least half an hour of exercise a day. "I'm not doing six-and-a-half-minute miles anymore," he says, adding that nowadays he runs barely half that fast."

We realize the good doctor is 58, but he's running at least 5 miles a day and he's 30 pounds overweight??  I'm willing to bet if he added intensity rather than mileage his weight would come down.  The doctor didn't say anything about his diet, but many long distance runners believe since they are running so much they can eat a huge amount of high glycemic index carbs.  We don't know if this is the case, but if we had to bet……

Paleolithic Diet Is So Easy, Cavemen Actually Did It  Perhaps we're just more aware of it now, but it seems that the Paleo way of eating is catching on.  It only took about 20 years!  It also seems that CrossFit gets mentioned in the same articles that feature Paleo eaters.

SKI Magazine: CrossFit Filthy Fifty  Another athlete finds CrossFitting beneficial for her sport.  In this case CrossFit is used to prepare for the slopes!

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