CROSSFIT SUFFOLK *** Forging Elite Fitness
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE *** Strength and Conditioning
5 rounds for time of:
200 meter run
10 hang power clean
15 push-ups
Shredded In Six (Weeks, That Is) from Erick Minor for….While your goal is probably not to be a physique athlete the information on nutrition is interesting. The author even gives a nod to Loren Cordain of the Paleo Diet fame.
Philippe Croizon Swims English Channel from Ross
Croizon is the first quadruple amputee to swim the English Channel.
Doctor and Patient: Teaching Doctors About Nutrition and Diet "Added Dr. Chauncey: “You can’t just keep writing out script after script after script of new medications when diet is just as important as drugs or any other treatment a patient may be using.”