
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness

SPARTAN PERFORMANCE   ***  Strength and Conditioning


5 rounds for time of:

200 meter run

10 hang power clean

15 push-ups




Shredded In Six (Weeks, That Is)  from Erick Minor for TNation.com….While your goal is probably not to be a physique athlete the information on nutrition is interesting.  The author even gives a nod to Loren Cordain of the Paleo Diet fame. 

Philippe Croizon Swims English Channel  from Ross Training.com. 

Croizon is the first quadruple amputee to swim the English Channel.

Doctor and Patient: Teaching Doctors About Nutrition and Diet  "Added Dr. Chauncey: “You can’t just keep writing out script after script after script of new medications when diet is just as important as drugs or any other treatment a patient may be using.”

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