
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness

"Maintenance is an illusion as we are either getting better or worse."–Mike Mahler



21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips


Lance Cantu and Travis Holley on today's WOD – video [wmv] [movCourtesy of CrossFit.com


The below video shows West German gymnast, Andreas Aguilar, performing the slowest, most strict muscle-up we've ever seen.  From our perspective, where muscle-ups are one of the most difficult manuevers to perform, Aguilar's muscle-up is beyond amazing.  As crossfitters we are accustomed to watching athletes kip into the muscle-up.  Aguilar moves from below the rings to above the rings so slowly with zero wasted motion that if you're not paying attention or you can't comprehend the difficulty of the muscle-up, you may not appreciate this great feat of strength! 



The first round of the Spartan Performance PFT has been completed.  Here's the standing so far:

Men Top 5:

George-    239 (Rx'd) [Best Sit-ups-78 reps]

Andrew-   232 (Rx'd) [Best Push-ups-60 reps]

Scientist-  222 (Rx'd) [Best Row-24 calories]

Herbie-     216 (Rx'd)

Mike D.-    215 (Rx'd)[Best Squats-60 reps]

Women Top 5:

Jennifer-  201 (Band pull-ups) [Best Squats-75 reps, Best Row-15 calories]

Ana-         178 (Band pull-ups)

Sharon-     162 (Band pull-ups)

Caryn-              (Band pull-ups)

Nicole-       114 (Band pull-ups) [new athlete!]

Honorable Mention: Erica…brand new to CrossFit, scaled push-up range of motion, but an otherwise outstanding performance that included the second highest reps for squats(59) and second highest row calories (13)!


How To Become A Pistolero   "The pistol squat is a tremendous athletic movement requiring a holistic balance between strength, mobility and flexibility.  It is fantastic for athletes looking to maximize leg strength with minimal bulk…."—–Steve Maxwell–

Things I Learned In 2010  "No matter what goal you have in life, whether it be fitness-related or not, you need to take action in order to accomplish it. In order to take action, you need to align your behaviors so that it becomes easier and easier to reach your goal."–Jim Bathurst of beastskills.com

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