
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness

For time:

pull-ups, 6 reps

sit ups, 6 reps

complex of squat clean, front squat, push press, 10 reps

pull-ups & sit ups, 9 reps

complex of squat clean, front squat, push press, 8 reps

pull-ups & sit ups, 12 reps

complex of squat clean, front squat, push press, 6 reps

pull-ups, sit ups, 15 reps

complex of squat clean, front squat, push press, 3 reps

Executing the squat clean, front squat and push press is one rep.  Perform the three barbell exercises without putting the bar down once you have begun the rep. 


Jared enjoys the limelight while Ana prefers to blend into the background!


Seven Secrets To Better Workouts

Gary Taubes Lecture  The author of Good Calorie, Bad Calorie giving an hour long lecture  

Sleep Load For Improved Training Performance

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