
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness

For time:
100 Burpee pull-ups

Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach.




How Tiny Nauru Became World's Fattest Nation "The rise is being driven by increasing urbanisation, the growth of sedentary, office-based lifestyles and the substitution of Western-style fast foods for traditional diets. Researchers from Imperial CollegeLondon and McMaster University in Canada, writing in The Lancet, describe it as a "tsunami of obesity that will eventually affect all regions of the world".—The Independent—-

Yoga, Yes Yoga, For Big Bastards  "Let's just say I'm a bit of a skeptic. If I don't know someone who uses it and swears by it, then I more than likely won't give it a second glance. Yoga has been around for thousands of years. If it didn't work, you'd think someone would've called bullshit on it by now. I doubt that you could say the same thing for the Shake-weight."–Zach Gallman, for TNation.com 


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