
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness



21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Post time to comments.

Compare to 090902.

Scaling:  Lower weight.

Those with knee issues today should perform Power Cleans.

 Box dips instead of Ring Dips.

Lower reps.


Tom T. did an outstanding job on Friday's WOD.  Tom's only been with us for a couple of months, but he had the top time Friday, completing 30 Bodyweight squats (185lbs. though he only weighs 180), 400 meter run and 30 burpees in 8:04!   Rangers lead the way!!  

Paul from CrossFit Queens and George…yeah we're secure with our manhood!


Everyday Survivors

The Mystery Of Survival



3 Responses

  1. Paul@CFQ

    It’s a bro-mance. Thaks for the post George. Larry great work on those burpees at CF101. You’re a burpee machine. BTW the bridge of my nose is now healing from a nice subtle shade of purple from the bump i gave the bar.
    See you guys soon.

  2. George

    That’s recycled “picture”…singular. Sue me…that’s the best photo of Tom I have.
    Since you like being a critic tomorrow I will post a photo of you. You may not like it though Mr. Pepio.

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