
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


TODAY'S SCHEDULE:  9AM-11AM, NO Evening Sessions



21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups


We had the opportunity to present a class at the 2010 Illinois Tactical Officer Association(ITOA) Conference a few days back.  We have good friends in the organization and it's an honor to not only present for them, but just to be among them.  We made two new friends this year, Al Mampre and Ed Pepping, both were medics with Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, made famous by the HBO miniseries, Band Of Brothers.  We had dinner with these gents and got to spend time with them over the course of 3 days.  We heard first hand accounts of fighting the German Army in Normandy and in Holland.  They also gave us a glimpse of the "lighter side" of military life during World War II.  Al and Ed were very entertaining.  It was fascinating receiving live history lessons from the two medics!  We were definitely in the company of heroes!


George and Lou–  Lou Hayes is one of the Board members of the ITOA and a good friend.  Lou is committed to the advancement of functional training and the one who invited us to present at this year's conference.  Thanks again Lou!  You may recognize Lou's name as we re-post from his blog, Trinity Training Group.



Why Your Doctor May Be Wrong About Meat  Most doctors are the last people I'd take nutrition advice from.  It's not that they don't mean well it's that they are often misinformed and don't take the time to research the topic.  DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.  We do our best to make researching a bit faster and more convenient.

Teaching The Squat: My Philosophy  by Tracy Fober of Iron Maven.

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