
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***   Forging Elite Fitness


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Compare to 090303.

The CrossFit Games Northeast Qualifier was a great experience for Larry, Devin, Brian, Ryan and Chris.  They didn't finish in the top 5, but they performed well, giving all they had!  It was an exciting weekend!

The event ran very smoothly thanks to CF Albany, CF Boston and CF South Brooklyn.  Thanks to all involved!  Many thanks to the judges for volunteering and doing a great job!


Larry getting "hang-time"


Chris about to attack the Thruster/Burpee workout


Devin at the top of the thruster as Brian Degennaro (red judge shirt) and Dave Osorio (CF South Brooklyn coach and a NE Qualifier coordinator) look on.


Ryan pulling chest to the bar


Brian, "in the zone", finished this event in under 13 minutes.  Most competitors were unable to finish within the 15 minute time limit.  The event consisted of: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, reps of 155lb. power cleans, pull ups, and 53 lb. kettlebell swings for men.  The women's weight for the power cleans was 105lbs., 36 lbs. for the kettlebell swings.  The pull up standard, for men and women, was chest to bar.


For more info check CrossFit Northeast Qualifier

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