
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


Three rounds of:
10 Weighted pull-ups
30 Back extensions



By George Demetriou

There exists but a few topics in life which everyone is an expert.  One of them is fitness.  Ask anyone and they'll tell you.  Just ask any of your neighbors or relatives and they'll set you straight about the best way to train, the best exercises to do, and, of course, what and how to eat.  It makes no difference if they are completely out of shape, smoking a cigarette and slamming down a container of chocolate icing.  These are the people who make up the Misinformation Matrix. 

 How do they acquire their wisdom?

 Well there are numerous sources but most of the experts get their education from the following:

 They read the information somewhere but can never cite the source or author.

 TV shows…or was that a late night infomercial.

 One of their friends who "works out".

 Their own vast experience.


 Here are some of our favorite pearls of wisdom:

 "I can't lift weights yet.  I have to lose some fat first or I won't look right."  (Yeah, better not work out…you're fat may get angry.)

 I can't lift weights…my arms get too big"  (woman specific)  (Yes, then you'd have every bodybuilder in the world seeking out your training plan and wanting to train with you.  That level of success would surely be too much to handle.)

 "If I lift weights my traps will become grotesque and unlady like."  (woman specific)  (The no tone, no muscle, fat- skinny, 11 year old boy look may work for you.)

 "Doing a deep squat is bad for your knees."  (Really? It's amazing that in the countries without toilets there aren't more cripples.  I guess if I bend my arm, bringing my hand to my shoulder, it's probably bad for my elbow, right?  After all, my elbow is designed to work that way just like my knee was designed to bend through a full range of motion.)

 "Weightlifting is bad for your back."  (I guess you're making that assessment based on the overwhelming amount of weightlifters and bodybuilders that no longer have use of their spine, right?  How remarkable that the Olympians who lift twice their bodyweight, and more, over their head can still sit up straight or walk.)

 "Running is the best exercise."  (Almost always uttered by someone who does not run.)

 "Running is bad for you."  (Almost always uttered by someone who never ran or ran once and found that it actually made them breathe with mild discomfort.)

 "Weight lifting makes you inflexible."  (Yes, it's amazing how many athletes can move at all in light of the fact that most Olympic and Pro athletes that require strength and power for their sport weight train to enhance their athleticism.)

"I would train, but I sweat."  (woman specific) (Well, yes, and we wouldn't want that to happen, it's bad enough that after eating and drinking you're probably going to have to evacuate.  You really have to draw the line somewhere when it comes down to your bodily functions.  Come back and see us when you're able to hold your sweat inside.  Training would facilitate your good health, but at what cost?  Someone may actually see your perspiration and scratch you off their Christmas List.)

   "You have to workout for 2-3 hours or you aren't doing enough."  (Yeah, your muscles need time to watch TV in between sets and to go sloooowwww or you might feel like you've accomplished something challenging.  Who needs that?  Time in the sauna and shower counts, right?)

 "I have to get into better shape before I start working out."  (Alrighty then!  So what's your plan for getting into shape BEFORE you workout?  Perhaps rapidly switching from one end of the couch to the other during commercials will help.  Maybe you can do trips from the couch to the fridge for time!) 

 "Women shouldn't lift more than 3 lbs."  (Or what?  What happens?  What if they have a baby that weighs more than 3 lbs.?  Should they hire someone to carry the baby?)

"Bodybuilders are the strongest athletes."  (Why aren't they competing in Strongman competitions, professional football or any other sport for that matter?  Why don't they enter powerlifting competitions?  Why can't Arnold balance the budget in California?  I rest my case.)

"Did you see the model in the late-night exercise product commercial?…That {fill in the blank} is awesome!"    (The model in the commercial used the product once–while shooting the commercial.  If he/she really owns the exercise apparatus he/she will probably do what everyone else does with it after two weeks–hang clothes on it.  Kudos to the guys who market the "late-night TV exercise products".  The marketing is excellent.  Then again it has to be.  Why isn't there a college or professional sports team that uses the equipment sold on late night TV?  Don't collegiate and professional athletes want amazing results in just days like everyone else?  Wouldn't be better to "exercise" for just a few minutes a day for 10 days instead of working hard on a regular basis?  Call me in the next 10 minutes and I'll send you the answer with free shipping and handling.)

Protect yourselves against the matrix of misinformation.  Train with people who actually know what they're talking about.  Do your own research.  Read quality work by authorities that have credibility in the training community. Speak to people who consistently train and get results. 

The truth is out there.


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