
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


As many Rounds As possible In 12 minutes of:

3 Turkish Get-ups, right hand

3 Turkish Get-ups, left hand

5 Inverted Ring Rows

200 Meter Run



Improving The Deadlift  David Adamson, for Elite Fitness Systems, displays the most common DL technique errors and how the DL should be executed.

A Basis For Using The "Full Olympic Lifts" In Training, Part 1 Oliver Whaley, for Elite Fitness Systems, makes an effective case for the use of executing full O-Lifts for athletic development.

New LTC Video: Know Your Pre-Attack Indicators  LTC stands for Low Tech Combat, "A blog that examines, explores, aggregates, discusses and posts videos and other ramblings about all aspects of Self Protection, Reality Based Self Defence (RBSD), Filipino Martial Arts (FMA), Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), conditioning and all other related areas of Low Tech Combat." 

The above link shows an actual robbery on the platform of a subway.  Adam, from Low tech Combat, does a good job pointing out the Pre-Attack Indicators that precede the robbery.  Pre-Attack Indicators are those behaviors that may indicate a physical attack is about to be committed.  

We like the video for the purpose of pointing out another matter.  There is a point during most robberies that occur in public places where the bad guy will "profile" the target.  That profile is determined by the bad guy's perception of the "target's" will and ability to defend himself.  It happens quickly on the video and there is no audio so we cannot hear the exchange, but the robber approaches the victim, says something, then takes another "perp glance"…the visual scanning of an area, making sure there are no witnesses and no police.  And making sure there is an escape route.

How does a robber determine who makes a good target?

First we have to define who a "good target" is?  A good target is anyone who gives the impression that they will give the least amount of resistance to the robber to allow for a fast getaway.  The type of predator that commits robberies does so for a "living" and is usually adept at profiling who they choose to victimize.  The bad guys are not looking for a challenge.  They don't want to get caught, first and foremost.

There are two ways a bad guy will determine who makes a good target.  The profiling always starts with physical appearance and demeanor.  Is the target too young, too old, too out of shape to fight back?  Is the target aware of his/her surroundings?  Is the target paying attention at all? Does the target carry himself confidently?

Sometimes physical appearance is enough information.  We've all seen or heard about lone senior citizens being assaulted and robbed.  Obviously an 80 year old woman using a walker to go to the store isn't going to be able to put up much of a fight.

The second way robbers profile will usually occur when the robber perceives he has a good target, but wants to "confirm".  The bad guy will probe.  As in the above video the robber will approach the target and ask a question or engage in conversation.  The robber isn't really interested in the answer or conversation.  The robber is interested in the overall response of the intended victim.  Does the target make eye contact?  Does the target speak with confidence?  Does the target have fear or worry  in his eyes?  Does the target immediately avert his eyes and speak nervously?  If the answer to these questions is yes and the bad guy has a pre-determined escape route with slim or no chance of good samaritans getting involved then the attack will shortly follow.

The probe is usually something as simple as, "Do you have a match?", Do you have the time?", Do you know when the train is coming?"  How the intended target responds will determine who becomes prey and who gets left alone.

We are not going to get into specific "self-defense techniques" but it's difficult to fake confidence.  Usually the confidence needed to indicate you are not a "target" comes from training or from experience.  What is needed is the ability to trust your intuition, realize you're possibly being probed and respond while making eye contact and keeping a "strong" voice.

A great by-product of staying in shape is it makes you less likely to be considered a target.  If you stay in shape and regularly train in a martial art it reduces the chances even more.  People who train often give off an "aura" of confidence.  We know some who quietly radiate deadliness.

The time to consider this is NOW.  How would you respond to a probe question?  How would you respond to a sudden attack?  Do you have the capacity to commit violence to counter violence?  Perhaps more importantly, do you have what is necessary to indicate you are NOT a target?

The height of self-defense is being aware so you can avoid or respond efficiently, being able to non-verbally convince the predators that you are not prey, and possessing the skill and mindset to win when the bad guy is too stupid or emotionally disturbed to realize he's targeted the wrong person.



9 Responses


    I was recently leaving an electronics store in detroit when I noticed a man out of the corner of my eye. It was late, the parking lot was all but empty and it was clear that he was walking toward me. His head was covered by a hood and his hands were concealed in his pockets, by this time I was next to my truck. I casually brought my hand up to my right hip were I keep my Glock 36. He stopped about 8 feet away from me, accessed the situation and without ever removing his hands from his hoodie asked me where the nearest starbucks was. Call me paranoid but I doubt he wanted coffee.

  2. Hey, im glad you liked the video! And your post here expanding on the ‘probing question’ is well done.
    I did expand on this a little in the comments on the original post but will touch them here now.
    For sure, an attacker such as this (which I call a Predator as opposed to an Alpha Male), wants an easy target. He wants to do his attack, get what he wants (the bag), and escape very quickly. He needs all of these elements to increase the chances of his attack being successful. This person is not a fighter. He can be deterred rather easily.
    Like you mention though, sometimes confidence is not easily faked. Real ability, confidence and physical attributes are a fantastic asset to have against this type of threat. He should definitely not have sat down. When standing, he should have replied with confidence and got strong sustained eye contact. A Predator such as this will not like this. A Predator can be deterred enough to get them to let you go and just wait for another person to come along who is an easier target. Not good for the other person but good for you. You cannot save the world.
    I’d like to also mention that this approach to deter a Predator will not work for someone I call an Alpha Male. This is someone who wants to fight someone to prove his manhood and is typically drunk with friends present, including girls to impress. This type of person wants to choose a decent opponent and the above will simply fire him up with remarks such as ‘what the f–k are you looking at!’ etc. But for the weak Predator, the above approach as mentioned in this post will help tremendously.
    Adam @ Low Tech Combat

  3. George

    I enjoy your blog!
    Thanks for your comments which I agree with.
    My comments were based on the predator. The “Alpha Male” attack is usually ego based as opposed to the predator who wants to commit robbery, rape or some other crime where the violence is commited to obtain something and then escape.
    The ego based attack is solely about committing violence and being intimidating. Most of the “Alpha Males” either don’t think about getting away or being arrested until after the fact. This requires a different strategy, but the end strategy is the same: If awareness, avoiding, leaving don’t work you need the proper skill and mindset to use the appropriate violence to counter violence.
    My original point was don’t look like an easy mark for the predator. Don’t have a victim mindset because predators can smell it a mile away. Don’t be the “weakest gazelle in the herd.”

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