
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness

For time:
Run 800 meters
15 left-legged pistols
15 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
12 left-legged pistols
12 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
9 right-legged pistols
9 left legged pistols
25 sit-ups
Run 800 meters

"Pistol" is one-legged squat with Kettlebell or dumbbell. Use 1½ pood Kettlebell or 55 pound dumbbell for pistols. Post time to comments.

Please review the below link for an excellent "Pistol" tutorial.  The description above is from CrossFit.com.  The "Pistol" is still a "pistol" when done with no additional weight from a kettlebell or dumbbell.  Obviously performing the pistol as prescribed above takes a higher degree of strength and skill.  The "pistol" is best performed while holding something like a GHD or squat rack with one hand if you have no experience doing it.

Pistol Tutorial  from BeastSkills.com 

Steve Cotter: Weighted One Legged Squat  Steve Cotter is one of the best in the business for performing "pistols".  He demonstrates in this video.




Interview With Nikki Young: The Author Of The Paleo Cookbooks

Who Cares If I Look Bad?  Excellent advice from Lisbeth Darsh of CrossFit Watertown.  (Forwarded to us by our very own Maggie….thanks Maggie!) 

2 Responses

  1. Mike D

    Hey guys did this at home in 16:12.
    Scaled to no weight on the Pistols because it was m first time doing them. Although the balancing was hard I was able to do them without holding on to anything and with pretty decent form. See you monday.

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