
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


5 rounds for time of:

10 Power Snatch

10 Box Jump


Zombie preparedness 


Is Dreaming A Form Of Survival?  "No one really knows what dreams are for. But evolutionary psychologists theorize that humans started dreaming to promote survival by "rehearsing" adaptive responses to challenges."-Marilyn Elias, LA Times

Did you ever go to the website in the evening and find that "Fran" was the workout of the day for the following day, then go to sleep and dream about performing "Fran"?


Me either.

OK.  I may have.



Phys Ed: Brains And Brawn "Just how resistance training initiates changes in cognition remains somewhat mysterious. Ms. Liu-Ambrose said that “we now know that resistance training has significant benefits on cardiovascular health” and reduces “cardiovascular risk factors,” which otherwise would raise “one’s risk of cognitive impairment.” She speculates that resistance training, by strengthening the heart, improves blood flow to the brain generally, which is associated with better cognitive function. Perhaps almost as important, she added, resistance training at first requires an upsurge in brain usage. You have to think about “proper form and learning the technique,” she said, “while there generally is less learning involved in aerobic training,” like running."–Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times

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