
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


1 minute of Battle Ropes

then immediately begin:

3 rounds for time of:

10 Ring Dips

5 Dumbell Press, left arm

5 Dumbbell Press, right arm

15 Kettlebell Swings




Congratulations to Lee!  She did "Thompson" (65# back squat, 95# carry) in 32:14!  


Miyamoto Musashi's Book Of Five Rings: Its Relevance To Modern Day Close Combat   from Lee Morrison's Urban Combatives

A Vegan No More  "3.5 years of veganism didn’t just leave me exhausted, depressed, and very sick, it also filled my head with doubts and questions about the ethics of veganism. If I actually need to eat animals to be healthy, how can it be so wrong? It has been a complicated and eye-opening journey, and I now find myself in a much different place than I was 3 years ago, a year ago, or even several months ago. Perhaps if my health hadn’t improved so dramatically upon the reintroduction of animal flesh I wouldn’t be so sure, but it did improve remarkably, and now that I have my life and my happiness back, I will never give it up again. Ultimately, I can no longer think it is wrong to eat animals."–Tasha from Voracious


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